Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Folding poof-balls

Jasna came over several times last week after work (thank you thank you thank you!) to help Paul and I fold cut and wire the tissue paper that will eventually turn into the beautiful poof-balls that we'll hang up in the reception hall at the Lowe Mill. Both of them said I was a harsh task master.....all work and no play.


Anne said...

Clearly you were a vicious task-master. :)

Laura Williams said...

OH MY GOSH - i have SOOOO been missing out on this blog. i am ashamed to say i haven't checked it since that first day i looked at it!!! i had no idea you had been so busy blogging over here, AND with wedding festivity planning!!!!! ITS ABOUT TIME!!! ;)XOXO the puff balls are FABULOUS and the cake sounds completely scrumptious!

Brina Bat said...

Anne - yep I was cracking the whip - as you can tell...

Laura - Well now, aren't you just the bestest-roomie slacker?! Yes, there has been a lot going on over here on this blog.... because wedding stuff has been the main focus. We're down to a month and a week.... and we have to switch into high gear to get the invitations printed to get them out. But they will be seriously cool stuff. I've actually had a die cut made for our envelopes! I also had some flower artwork made into a block so I can print with it. And I printed and am die cutting labels to seal the envelopes too...Paul and I worked on those a bit last night around midnight...