Monday, June 16, 2008

Bride Price Hiccup

Paul received these photos and official letter in the mail recently. Seems as thought the bride price (joke folks - joke!) sent to my father didn't get through. We're currently working on sending the Goat and Camel branch all of the necessary papers. Hope (Click on the pages below to read.)

My Dad and Paul kept teasing me throughout the whole time my parents were in Huntsville to help and put on our wedding.... the "price" kept going up, more camels, a couple more goats, etc. until they finally settled on a price.


Laura Williams said...

hahahaahhaaaaaa!!!! you people crack me up :)

Jen said...

Found your blog through Offbeat Brides! I love the "bride price" - especially the quarantine pen! (Scurrilous J on Offbeat Brides)

Brina Bat said...

Glad you got a laugh out of it! My Dad's a hoot - and Paul & I always play along...