Monday, May 5, 2008

Geo Event

Here my Dad and I getting ready to go TAG some RR cars.

Kidding..... Kidding... As you can see I was working on painting some gigantic corn. These were all preparations for the Geo-event "Tying the Knot" from 1-4pm on May 3rd....

Paul cutting out our "Giantized" Jolly Green Veggies that I drew for our event cache.

My Dad passing out from paint fumes while working on the radish. (I'm just kidding again- he was just playing like he was passing out... the wind kept changing a lot while we were spraying.)

And then the finished product at the Lowe Mill - Nathan K. and I standing by the 4 Jolly Green veggies: radish, corn, bean and carrot.


Laura Williams said...

um EXCUSE me. . .no TOMATO? what a rip. ;)

Laura Williams said...

Oh and just for the record, this is all fine and dandy, but i need to see WEDDING PICTURES. RECEPTION PICTURES. i am dying here!!! i need MORE.

Brina Bat said...

I don't HAVE ANY YET!!!
I'm just as antsy as you are - but I am trying to exercise some patience right now.

The couple pics I saw of the wedding in Stephen's Gap are incredible - Nathan W. did an amazing job and I will post my piddlley little snapshots soon... then the reception photos - that Justin did I know will be wowers too.... soon soooon!

Karisse said...

I NEEEEEED PICTURES. I have even LESS patience than Laura...and she has NO just imagine...wish I could have been there!